Welcome to Kristin Meekhof

Kristin's featured in CNN, Today (online), Katie Couric Media, Architectural Digest, Disney/ Pixar/ University of MI collaboration, Huffington Post, USA Today, Refinery 29, Yahoo Health with Katie Couric, American Greetings, The Chicago Tribune, Readers' Digest, Maria Shriver media, Psychology Today. Kristin is honored to contribute to the book: Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy (Harper Elixir). She is a licensed therapist, life coach, speaker and best- selling author.

The Book Club

Are you interested in having Kristin do a virtual visit to your home book club? Please complete the request form and you will be contacted about Kristin doing a visit via Google Hangouts.

The Book: A Widow’s Guide to Healing

Available November 2015, A Widow's Guide to Healing: There is no magic formula for coping with all of the questions, the issues, and the grief following the loss of a husband...Buy at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million & Indie Bound.

The Kristin Meekhof Blog

The Kristin Meekhof Blog will feature news and events of Kristin's pending book launch including launch videos and photo galleries. Be sure you subscribe to her newsletter and follow her social networks.

Our Team

Kristin Meekhof

CEO & Founder

Kristin A. Meekhof is an author, life coach, writer and obtained her M.S.W. from the University of Michigan. She has more than 20 years of clinical experience. A nationally recognized expert on resiliency and gratitude, her best-selling book, A Widow’s Guide to Healing, was inspired by her own personal experience with widowhood, grief, and healing. A Korean-American adoptee, she was left on the streets of Korea as an infant. She came to the US in 1974 and became a naturalized citizen. She is a life- coach with clients throughout the United States. As a confidential advisor, she privately works with some of the most influential people in media and politics. Kristin graduated from Kalamazoo College with a BA in psychology, and received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Michigan.

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Jim Windell


James Windell is an author, editor, and teacher. He is on the criminal justice faculties at Wayne State University and Oakland University. A former court clinical psychologist, parent trainer and family therapist, he writes books and plays along with teaching. He is the editor of The Michigan Psychologist and the author of 39 books. He writes a weekly blog for the Michigan Psychological Association. In 2015, his coauthored book with Kristin Meekhof (A Widow’s Guide to Healing: Gentle Support and Advice for the First 5 Years) was published. His latest books include Cognitive Behavior Protocols for Medical Settings (Routledge, 2018), Who Shaped the American Criminal Justice System (Cognella, 2018), Juvenile Delinquency in American Society (Cognella, 2019). His next published book will come out in early 2022 and is entitled Juvenile Life Sentences: Justice Denied.

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Praise for the Book

With great appreciation for A Widow’s Guide to Healing which is spectacular!

Kristin Meekhof, who lost her husband at 33 years old, wrote a moving and thoughtful book about becoming a widow at such a young age. I feel a real connection with Kristin, and wish this book existed when I lost my husband Jay at 41.

Clinical social worker Meekhof knows firsthand what it’s like to lose a loved one. Drawing from her own experiences and the stories of other widows, the author supplies a blueprint for navigating the legal system, coping with grief, and solo parenting. Meekhof addresses the roller-coaster ride of guilt and anger as well as handling in-laws and surviving the workplace. In sum, she reminds new widows that they are not alone, to go easy on themselves, and to reach out for help.

This a very valuable and practical guide for any woman who has lost her husband due to an untimely death. Kristin Meekhof’s journey is both inspiring and courageous and something we can all learn from.

I’m proud of Kristin Meekhof, who has written this inspiring and insightful book to help guide widows through their grief. This book is by an Architect of Change, for all of us who must deal with grief.

This book is a valuable resource for people within the medical profession to better understand hospice, palliative care, and death from a family perspective. When death does occurs, this book can serve as a resource for providers as they guide widows and families through their grief.

This is a book that should be essential reading for every woman struggling to make sense of life after the death of a husband. I recommend this book because it is highly accessible and will surely improve the lives of many widows and those who help widows.

National Non-Profit Day + Meeting Connie Chung Memory

For National Non- Profit Day I’m sharing this photo taken at a non-profit dinner party. When I met Connie Chung in New York City, I was literally standing on one foot. While gripping the railing because my foot was still swollen from running the NYC marathon less than 48 hours before and couldn’t fit into a high heel I found myself teary-eyed because growing up I never saw an Asian woman on television in her capacity. And now I was standing beside her. With a lump in my throat, I told Connie how in highschool I styled my hair like hers because there wasn’t anyone else I saw to model my hair after. I told her about the lack of AAPI women in the media and what her presence met to me. She was so kind and authentic and took my hand in placed it in hers and said, “I know”.


Over the years, I’ve had the honor of facilitating major gifts (including a 300K gift). While, I’m not a “professionall” “Development” person, I love to help with major gifts because connecting people and creating opportunities are my both my passions and talents. Recently, a couple asked me to facilitate a six/ seven figure gift. And it brings me joy to be a part of this process. Next month, I’m open to helping with other development opportunities and sharing with my network what you do to make the world a better place.


My Most Popular Piece, “7 Things To Know About Gaslighting” Was Shared By The UN Women


UPDATE: Over the July 9 (2022) weekend, I was honored to have the United Nations Women share my “Psychology Today” gaslighting piece in their WUNRN email.

Original Post: As a mental health professional, writer, author and life coach I know gaslighting can happen in multiple types of relationships (i.e.,  professional, medical, family, social), and it can be confusing. The damages can be severe. In my newest piece  for “Psychology Today” (published on June 4, 2022), I share seven things to know and understand about gaslighting. With over 340K views (and counting) in less than one month (without any paid advertisting) of it being published online, I know others are curious about how to cope with gaslighting experiences. Please know you are not alone. It is very normal to be in complete shock and disbelief when it occurs. When it happened to me, I didn’t even recognize it. Other experts had to pull me aside and explain it. Remember, you are not your experience with gaslighting, and it is possible to shape your narrative into one of healing. It is important to seek professional mental health for yourself.

Empowering & Equipping Women in Medicine & Female Entrepreneurs By Giving Back


Giving comes in multiple forms. And attending events to support others is one way. Helping women at Michigan Medicine (the University of Michigan) with their commitment to breaking through boundaries to accelerate clinical care, education, and research to benefit women worldwide is one of my passions. I was delighted to attend the first annual Women’s Health Luncheon. Gathered together (on April 27, 2022) in Birmingham, Michigan with physicians, researchers, and supporters of diverse women’s health causes the event delivered inspiration, advocacy and empowerment. Mary Sue Coleman, first female President of the university explained the Women’s Health Innovatin Fund’s goal is to identify challenges facing women on a global level, discuss strategies to overcome these barriers, and support one another as we push for changes that can improve the lives of all women.

Photo Credit: Whole Planet/ Whole Foods Foundation

Photo Credit: Whole Planet/ Whole Foods Foundation


And over the past eight years, I’ve dedicated my energy and time to those who impact women across the globe who are living at or below the poverty level. A handful of years ago, I had the opportunity to deeply explore what is unique about the Whole Planet Foundation’s work which is dedicated to poverty alleviation, while empowering the world’s poorest people with microcredit in places where Whole Foods Market sources products.

In Harlem, I met women entrepreneurs, visited their business, and learned from them how a micro- finance loan directly impacted their small business. True micro-financing sustainable success for women demands a talented team. And this team is led by Joy Stoddard. Joy led the three day Harlem trip, complete with a service project (photo above). What I love about the foundation is that it not only empowers  entrepreneurs, mostly women, but it is fully transparent about their funding (all donations go directly to those they serve).

I’m honored to share I’m now a part of the Whole Planet’s Community Engagement Committee.

May the work of these charities inspire you!