Deepak Chopra’s Timeless You
“The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” This famous quote by Marcel Proust can easily be dismissed as a quirky thought, or one can view it as a piece of wisdom. I choose the latter. The lens through which we see our world impacts our thoughts, our decisions, and our overall well-being. Look around you and chances are you will see a product, an advertisement or an article about anti-aging. Someone wants to help you look better and younger. But what if the real voyage of discovery happens within you?
A new online series with Dr. Deepak Chopra called “Timeless You” offers you the opportunity to discover your own ability to view things through a new lens. This six-week online series offers practical steps for starting a new approach to your life. There are opportunities for participants to interact with each other as well as Dr. Chopra. Jennifer Fragale, director of alliance partnerships at Grandparents.com, described “Timeless You” as this: “It takes a comprehensive approach to what you can do to feel your best, and includes advice and tips for creating healthy relationships, exercise, eating well and lowering stress.”
Our forethoughts often cause us anxiety. We tax our lives with fret over things we can’t control, but we can control our thoughts, and that is where you will find peace of mind. In other words, our landscape, our own world will change once we alter the way we approach every situation. This means that we will be able to see our life through a lens of opportunity instead of stagnation.
Age is not a deficit. Our culture is hyper-sensitive to age, and often we make harsh judgments with ourselves and others based on it. We assume that persons of a certain age have nothing to offer. No matter what your age is, you have something to offer. You have something to give yourself and others. For some of you this means exercising, volunteering, or teaching.
For full-time architect, Lee Mamola, age 62, this means coaching. About five years ago he becamse a coach within the Brooks Running ID program. In addition to running, he does yoga and meditation. “I run for mental clarity, for the sense of achievement, to stay young, to learn and to have fun. I am ‘running happy.'” When Mamola’s own father died of a heart attack at age 52, Mamola vowed, “to stick to running. While there is this family history that now cannot be ignored, I also recognize significant differences between our lifestyles that separate our health history.”
It is this lifestyle that Dr. Deepak Chopra talked with Ellen Breslau, editor-in-chief at Grandparents.com about. He said:
Your biological age does not have to match your chronological age. Your chronological age is the day you were born, your biological age is influenced by how fit you are, your immune function, your cardio-vascular system. We now know that we can reverse biological age.
Ms. Breslau explained the need for the program this way: “People over 50 today are more active and connected than ever before and we wanted to give them a wellness program to match who they are.”
A perfect example of someone who is active is my distance running group coach, Doug Goodhue. Following a mid-life crisis at age 41, he began distance running. Now at age 72, he’s still competing and winning distance running national titles. Some runners call him, “The Silver Bullet.” He humbly says, “Everything that I am today and my healthy lifestyle is due to my love and passion for long distance running.” His wife, Cindy Goodhue, who started distance running around age 35 says, “My claim to fame is qualifying for Boston (marathon) twice in one week when I was 58.” She ran two marathons. They were one week apart, and both were qualifying times for the Boston marathon.
Ms. Breslau also says, “‘Timeless You’ is about taking everything you’ve learned and know — the wisdom of your experiences, and combining that inner knowledge with feeling your best. It’s about appreciating who you are and taking care of yourself.”
A perfect example of someone who takes care of himself and lives a heathy life is Dr. Deepak Chopra. Last month, I had the honor of meeting him at his office in New York City. This meeting was not for purposes of an interview. However, I can share with you my initial impressions. Dr. Chopra is genuine and brilliant in every sense of these words. He observes and listens before he talks. He is with you in the present moment, free from worry, and graces you with his authenticity.
Our thoughts can hold us emotionally hostage. We tend to limit ourselves based on these thoughts and consequently live in fear. Dr. Chopra told Ms. Breslau, “If you do three things — change the way you think about yourself, change the way you think about time and change the way you think about aging, you can reverse the aging process and feel younger.”
To Learn More about Timeless You, go here.
To Read More about Mr. Lee Mamola’s running happy adventures go here.
You can follow Dr. Deepak Chopra on Twitter @DeepakChopra.
You can follow Timless You on Twitter @Timeless_You.
You can also read this article on The Huffington Post.
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